Mat Rusher built scissor trusses for our home to an exacting standard, based on some photographs we showed him from an American Book called Rustic Elegance.
As well as this basic guideline Mat’s experience training and working with scissor trusses, log cabin construction in Canada was invaluable. He has a great ability to visualise such bold structures in place and I believe correctly balances hand and machine hewn methods for an aesthetically pleasing finish. The scissor trusses are an exceptional feature of our Ski Style Home which has a strong North American/Alpine vernacular and they are one of the best features of our home.
Please feel free to contact me by telephone if you wish to discuss. I would love to use Mat’s expertise for future building projects we may be involved in and highly recommend him to you as a true craftsman for log home construction. If you want to visit us to see his work we would happily oblige because his work is truly exceptional.